Rosin Empath

Rosin Empath


Rosin Empaths are proficient energy workers as well as extremely sensual beings who match even Ubi in their desire to feed from intimacy. However, unlike Ubi they are not considered demonic, and their methods prove that they are not solely interested in feeding. Rather, instead of preying on others for sustenance or relying on consent, they procure and culture these energies like a botanist would for various plants. Rosin Empaths find a person or group of people with which their energies are fertile with the conditions needed for a particular type of energy, depending on the individual’s taste and mood. At that point they will go behind the scenes to aid these people along in fostering these energies whether it is love, passion, loyalty , friendship etc. So long as these energies involve the development of close bonds and positive flow of energy Rosin Empaths are adept at when it comes to giving these energies the proper conditions to thrive. 

They also understand when two people’s energies don’t mesh well together, like pulling weeds from a rosebush. However they do find a use for any and all people’s energy. They are good at weeding out toxic energy and people from their keeper's life, but only if they are willing to uproot themselves and refuse to be comfortable in their depression/anxiety as well prepare to remove themselves from toxic situations despite how difficult it may be to let go.

The energy they culture manifests like roses made of luminous energy, which blossoms as the relationship is tended and kindled with proper care. The energy they feed from is not the flower itself, but its "nectar" from which they sip like honeyed wine. They say the flavor depends on the environment the person thrives in and the type of emotional energy they procure. They claim these energies are not infectious as humans claim at times, but rather they send out "runners" which promote it's growth and seed that type of energy into others.

They also understand, however, that in the same vein that Wisteria can overwhelm a garden, so too can one person's energy remain toxic or smother another's. In this way, they can expertly separate people and relationships that do not mesh well with their keeper, if allowed to do so. In the end, a person can only grow and flourish in the best possible environment if they allow themselves to move forward, and Rosin Empaths both recognize and reward their companions for accepting and acting on it.

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