Rainbow Koi - Topaz

Rainbow Koi - Topaz

from $50.00

These Koi are divided into various sub species of koi and each one has a different function and price associated with conjuring and binding.

All of these koi are harmless creatures and have lived personally under Jynx’s care wiithin her astral space for years. These koi are prolific breeders, and when they are ready to breed they return to their native realms to lay eggs so the cycle can continue. They will not under any circumstances lay their eggs in the companions keep, as the Koi themselves are sapient enough to accept this as a condition of binding. This is to ensure that an unsuspecting keeper does not become obligated to maintain the specific conditions needed for them to continue the breeding cycles and allow the offspring to survive outside their native habitat.

The following is a summary of all Koi types:Ruby Koi

As their name suggests, they are a species of large red koi fish. Their sizes as adults vary from the youngest being at the size of medium-sized dogs to the oldest almost rivaling a heavy duty truck. Baby fish look like a variation of Plecostomas (or algae eaters) and are anywhere from 3 - 6 inches to 3 feet long. Rubies are a gentle species of fish with glistening red scales on their bodies, long and elegant fins (most resembling those of the Earthen Butterfly Koi) and large, circular, naturally faceted gemstones on the top of their heads. These beautiful fish eat various plant life and berries within their native astral spaces, but devour and feast on negative emotions when given the chance. Depression, sadness, anything that hurts your heart, these fish will swim around you and slowly feast upon that energy until it is either gone, or does not pain you anymore.

Babies and freshly-hatched Ruby Koi will stick to you and slowly leech these energies from you, replacing them with a sense of calm, cleanliness, and serenity while leaving a cute little heart shaped sucker mark on your body. This will fade within an hour.

The rest of these lovely fish are going to have a more general description to save space.

Sun: - Crown - The Sun Koi are large-dog sized golden-orange koi with vivid, citrine-colored gems on their heads. They are all about rejuvenation - not only of the body, but of the mind and spirit - and produce an aura of energy that feels and almost tastes like the warmest summer sun. They are ones that help drain away fatigue, revive motivation and improve circulation of your energy. ($85 for a pair, as they have special living requirements and need a mini realm and need to be checked on regularly )

Silver: - Third Eye- The Silver (Moon) Koi works with the higher consciousness. Their energy is like dry ice in that it is so cold it nearly burns, though it isn’t enough to be very painful. They work alot like a sensory deprivation tank does in that when they swim around you and feed, all other senses and emotions will fade away. This allows them to tap into your highest self and its energy, feeding on that which hinders the connection. They are metallic fish and are beautiful to behold, like living liquid mercury. ($75 for a pair they too have special living conditions and requirements and need a mini realm, they are FANTASTIC for meditation buddies)

Emerald: -Solar Plexus and Heart- Emerald/Chameleon Koi. Indigenous to mucky ponds and marshes, these koi are linked to the point between the stomach and heart chakra. The association to both types of energy allows them to lean one way or the other intuitively (hence the term Chameleon, as they flash between green, pink or red due to this reason). They like to eat the energy of self doubt as creeps in the aura. They are small-dog/medium-dog sized. Likes to be a lap fish!! ($65 per pair )

Orange: - Sacral - The Oranges are linked to joy and creativity. Indigenous to tropical saltwaters, they feed on the energies that inhibit empowerment of the self. Same size as the Emerald, but can get marginally larger. ($65 per pair)

Pink: - Heart/Root/Solar - Pinks are known for their skills with meditation and relaxation. The reason for this is the fact that they tap into your mental state and slow down frantic thought patterns until you are calm and relaxed, even going so far as to ease you into meditation if you ask. The only ones we conjure will be smaller, younger, newly bonded pairs because older pairs are more rigid whereas younger pairs bond more easily to human spirits.

Lavender: - Sacral and Root- Lavenders come from water that is fed underground like aquifers. They are a middle-point chakra fish, much like the Emerald, whose energy sits between sacral and root-aligned energies. They are a light purple fish, cat-sized, and probably one of the smallest koi I work with. Their specialty involves working with you to find peace, they specialize in removing and not eating but recentering you so that you can obtain peace of mind. ($75 a pair, harder to locate)Purple: -Root- Purple Kois come from mud pits and work with grounding the root chakra. They can range from lilac in color to deep royal purples, depending on their age and size. They feast on the chaotic energy that sits in the root chakra which unbalances their energetic networks and chakra system. These are great for meditation and working with trauma about feeling safe. They grow to the smae size as the Lavender, perhaps a bit bigger. ($80 a pair)

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