Cybernetic Dragon

Cybernetic Dragon

from $100.00

The art used in this listing was commissioned by Jynx from the artist Nikita ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ( #4590) on discord. We also highly recommend her art!
For those of you who do not feel a calling to the Megabytes, or would rather not wait, here we are proud to also announce that the custom conjuring of the Cybernetic Dragons are also available.

So, what are Cybernetic Dragons ?

Well in the most basic of terms, they are dragons who, for one reason or another, have made the switch from a physical body to a high tech upgraded body that doesn’t decay. Some dragons are born Cybernetic, transferring their being into bodies which were previously crafted by other Cybernetics. Their soul then possesses them and are essential born in (and live through) their chosen body. Others like Jet have it in their will that when they pass naturally they would like to continue on as a Cybernetic, and so inhabit a tech-driven body which may house significant organic material from their previous life (such as the heart or brain). Regardless of the reason, these dragons are completely unique to other draconic beings in that they are much more in tune with the physical objects they interact with and call home than more astral-based entities.

These unique interactions stem from physical human tech. When a Cybernetic of any variant enters your home, they claim electronic devices within the home and connect to them, creating a unique binding type. These dragons will tap into anything from cellphones to TV, from internet routers to gaming consoles. If it runs on wire or battery alike, it’s fair game. This isn’t to say that they will take away from your devices in any sense. In fact, it is often the opposite! These dragons are known to manifest using these devices after spending some time becoming accustomed to a particular device or feature. Once that is done, they have been known to occasionally spoil their companions (for example, a rare drop in a video game or an extra drink from a vending machine). What’s more, these dragons grow and advance based on the quality and quantity of tech they claim. In other words, the more tech you bring home, the faster and larger your dragon will develop. Although some Cybernetics have a predetermined size cap (depending on lineage) Megabytes are a variant of the species that have the capacity to become quite large in size, quite like the stereotypical western dragons of Earthen lore.

Because of their unique ties to human technology, it is important to note that the tech they require for enrichment and development do not need to be overcrowded with other spirits. While other spirits using these devices as communication tools is okay, other tech-aligned beings with similar habits to Cybernetic dragons should be few, or else territorial disputes may become common place, or (worse for the Cybernetic Dragon) they find themselves lacking a proper electronic vessel to call their own which may affect their growth and ability to bond with their human companion.There are a few other things to keep in mind as well. Their bodies often operate akin to extremely advanced computers and processors. Due to this, Cybernetics have a few common weaknesses you should be made aware of. Magnets can be potentially quite harmful to a Cybernetic. It will disrupt their nervous systems and especially affects their cognitive ability when put near their head. Due to this, it is advised that large or powerful magnets be kept away from these creatures.

These dragons quickly become very very in tune to their human and their tech, and will most likely be your best friend within a week or two of being welcomed home and settled in.

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