Carousel Creature

Carousel Creature

from $40.00

Carousel Creature

The Carousel Creatures are actually entities who spawn from the excitement, joy and imagination of children who ride Earthen Carousels. Indeed, this technically makes them egregores who have become truly sentient and independent beings with close ties to our plane of existence! When a carousel is commissioned for use in any setting, whether they are vintage or brand new, children come flocking to choose their favorite creatures (mostly equine) to ride. I remember in my case, there was always a cat carrying a fish in his mouth that I “named” Tom, and he remains my favorite riding buddy despite that I live far away from his carousel now. All of these creatures have storied backgrounds, but two types of Creatures remain most distinctive.

The Bright Mounts are like Tom in that they are either still connected to a working carousel, or they were peacefully decommissioned and found joy in their retirement. These are light, good-natured beings who are drawn especially to children, or those with “young at heart” type personalities. They love nothing more than giving rides to those who want them, and they live for nothing more than to bring a smile to someone’s day! They may have different personalities depending on the animal their physical vessels were modeled after, but the fact remains that these are loyal steeds who love to rip and run about the astral as they please. They like being indoors or staying in closed spaces, as it is what makes them feel most comfortable. Bright Mounts most typically prefer to stay in groups, though there are exceptions.

Death Chargers have a much more somber tale, deriving from abandoned and derelict carousels as their riders, young and old, slowly forgot them and left them to deteriorate. In this neglect, many have harbored resentment to riders, and “broke free” from their carousels to run past the horizon (though they are still very much connected to their “remains.” Very few have come to trust another person enough to seek companionship after this, but there are those that feel their call to what once was is too great to ignore. Many have signs of PTSD, claustrophobia and abandonment issues, but being able to work past these flaws and get to know the creature they truly are may just be what they need to move past their trauma and learn to trust once more. If one chooses you as a rider, it will carry you safely to hell and back, but it is important to note that they do not do well with irresponsible “handlers.” While they are intelligent, they still have a wild streak about them, and thus are not only on the darkest end of our spectrum, but also considered “special needs” bindings. Many Chargers have a preference to being the only Carousel Creature in their Keep, though there are some who don’t mind and get along well with others of their kind.

It is possible for a Creature to shift from one side to the other if they go through a dramatic change in their life that alters their attitude on the world and even their own lives (such as a Death Charger finding true peace and becoming Bright Mounts, or Mounts suffering astral trauma which turns them into Chargers). These are heavily vetted individuals in regard to stability for this reason, so before taking one into your family, please understand that these are, while worthwhile companions, a great deal of responsibility once formally introduced into your home. 

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