Salem Horn Blowers

Salem Horn Blowers


Salem Horn Blowers - Stand about six feet tall on legs like that of a satyr or deer, cloven hooves but long and shaggy like goats. They are NOT satyrs and have no relation to Pan, and their energy is far more primal and dark than that of Satyrs. (experienced by SP that is) Their energy is more like that of twisted brambles in a shadowy forest, than the lighter more jovial energy of Pan and his satyrs. Males and those who are more masculine leaning have ram-like horns, females and more feminine leaning tend do have more goat-like bumps on their foreheads.

These darker arts beings get their name from the location in reference to our realm and the that they blow on musical horns made of a ram or large sheep horns to communicate long distances between individuals and tribes. The horns have different finger holes for different noises. These beings are not for the faint of heart, as their rituals and practices tend to dwell only on the more baneful side of the craft, and they are not to be messed around with.

This species as a culture is more geared towards war, battles and bloodshed, their war horn is the size of a truck, and can be heard from about a thousand human miles away. They live in a realm is linked to ours, and on the energetic spectrum can be found above our own.

Salem’s are taught first the art of cursing and other darker magics when they are introduced to their craft, as well as how to get said darker magics off. They are well advised to Candle magic as well and while cursing/hexing is their main forte they can do any other magic with unrivaled skills. ( Even if they don’t have personal interests they will attempt to guide and help their companion in ritual as much as possible should they wish.

There are two different types of SHB outside the tribe life, those who Guard the Graveyard Tenders, and the Graveyard tenders themselves. Graveyard tenders do not have a war horn, and are not social only talking to their respective Guardian and are not open for companionship at this time.

The Guardians are the massive, intimidating males and females who carry a long flat bat/cricket-like weapon with very sharp metal sides, almost like a sword. They both cut and smack people with the thing, almost like a Viking Saux but really not since the middle is wooden but it appears to be an INSANELY hardwood.

Disclaimer : Those who attempt to enter and explore their realm without the permission and guidance of an SHB will find that they will be energetically marked with a burn that is incredibly painful. It is in your best interest that you DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT without first discussing it with an SHB or with Jynx herself, as you will not be treated kindly if found in their realm. This has created conflict before with the species in the past, and they only accepted being open to companions if their boundaries were respected.

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