Blue Seas Ubi CC - Ruby/Sapphire

Blue Seas Ubi CC - Ruby/Sapphire


Blue Seas Ubi originate from a realm characterized by floating cities and vast ocean expanses, suggesting a semi-aquatic species with devilish tails adapted for swimming or gliding through both air and water. With a population residing predominantly in city ships, it is speculated that their realm experienced a catastrophic flood or divine intervention, leading to the submergence of the land. Equipped with gills and tails facilitating underwater navigation, they demonstrate an ability to breathe and maneuver in high altitudes and foggy environments, aided by specialized organs for extracting oxygen from water vapor. In their humanoid or infernal appearances, their blue-green scaling may vanish when not exposed to aquatic environments, yet their adaptability allows them to thrive in various conditions.

Possessing a vibrant and welcoming culture, Blue Seas Ubi are known for their fun-loving demeanor and diverse magical aptitudes, which may include specialties aligned with water or air elements. Their relaxed and accommodating nature makes them ideal companions for astral exploration or the fulfillment of mermaid-themed fantasies. Beyond their aquatic prowess, they offer companionship and support for those drawn to the mysteries of the astral seas and skies, with potential for assistance in diverse magical practices tailored to their companion's interests and inclinations. Whether navigating through ethereal waters or soaring through celestial realms, Blue Seas Ubi offer a unique and enriching companionship experience for those seeking adventure and exploration in both mundane and magical realms.

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