Astral Interview: Unveiling the Depths of Your Soul

Astral Interview: Unveiling the Depths of Your Soul


Welcome to the next chapter in our series of astral and soul self readings! The Astral Interview takes you beyond the surface, offering a unique opportunity to engage with your astral self in a spirit interview.

What to Anticipate:

Spirit Interview Style: Imagine a cozy space within the astral realm where we sit down for an in-depth conversation with your astral self. I will ask questions that delve into the depths of your personality, exploring the intricacies of your astral form, its origins, and background.

Uncover Your Astral Story: Gain insights into your astral self's unique journey. Discover the narrative of your soul, including experiences, lessons learned, and the celestial origins that shape your astral being.

Disclaimer: A Unique Perspective: Just like any encounter in the astral realms, the experience of your astral self may differ from your expectations. I reserve the right to interpret your astral entity based on the energies present during the reading. If you've had a Soul/Astral reading with me before, you know the beauty lies in the unexpected!

Why Opt for an Astral Interview?

Deepen Your Connection: Forge a stronger bond with your astral self through direct communication. This intimate session provides a platform for you to understand your astral being on a personal level.

Exploration of Soul Origins: Unravel the mysteries of your soul's origin and background. The Astral Interview is a doorway to explore the cosmic history that has shaped your spiritual identity.

How It Works:

  1. Select This Service: Choose the Astral Interview listing to embark on this unique journey.

  2. Astral Connection: I will call upon your astral form into my sacred space, setting the stage for our spirit interview.

  3. Ask and Receive: Experience the magic of astral communication as I pose questions to your astral self, unveiling profound insights.

Note: Familiarity Encouraged While newcomers are welcome, having a prior Soul/Astral reading can enhance the depth of your Astral Interview. Secure your spot now for an experience that transcends the ordinary!

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